Landon Cole | Life Coach, Dating Coach, Mediator

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The Difference Between Words and Motivation: Why Honesty Matters

Sometimes, there’s a difference between the literal words someone says and the motivation behind those words. It’s a subtle but impactful dynamic that can define how we navigate our relationships and interactions.

Take these examples:

  • A boss saying, “We’re like a family here,” to guilt employees into working longer hours without additional compensation.

  • A politician flipping their stance on an issue—not because they’ve had a change of heart, but because they’re trying to win votes.

  • A significant other saying, “I don’t believe in men and women being friends,” when, in reality, they’re insecure and would rather establish rules than address their own feelings.

The list is practically infinite. What all these examples have in common is an attempt to artificially control an outcome or situation as well as the other person’s perception.

The Problem with Mistruths

People who mislead in this way often focus on gaining something in the immediate—be it trust, compliance, or emotional reassurance—at the expense of long-term trust. For them, it’s easier to manipulate the here and now with a bit of finagling than to exercise honesty and authenticity, even if that honesty risks upsetting someone in the short term.

But here’s the catch: conflicts of interest are inevitable. Trying to delay or avoid them by employing lies or mistruths doesn’t prevent the fallout; it just postpones it. And when the truth eventually comes to light, people end up feeling hurt, betrayed, or disrespected.

Why Honesty Matters

At the end of the day, people respect honesty and authenticity a heck of a lot more than inconsistency and deceit. While avoiding conflict or saving face might feel like the easier path in the moment, it only compounds issues over time. Honesty may cause discomfort in the short term, but it lays a foundation of trust and mutual respect that pays off in the long run.

The Takeaway

Life is filled with challenging situations and difficult conversations. Being honest and upfront may feel harder now, but it’s an investment in smoother relationships and a clearer conscience later. The truth has a way of fostering trust, building respect, and, ultimately, making your life a lot easier—even if it means rubbing someone the wrong way in the moment.

So the next time you’re tempted to say something with hidden motives, consider the bigger picture. Authenticity might not always feel comfortable, but it’s always the right choice.