Landon Cole | Life Coach, Dating Coach, Mediator

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Understanding: Not everyone can meet us where we’re at

Not everyone will meet you where you’re at—emotionally, intellectually, or with the same level of kindness and consideration you might hope for. It can be frustrating, even disheartening, when people don’t match your energy or values. But here’s the truth: even when it doesn’t seem like it, everyone is doing the best they can with what they have.

Sure, they’ll fall short sometimes—just like we all do. But there are also moments we don’t see, where those same people exceed expectations in ways we might never imagine. Life is messy, and navigating it means encountering these ups and downs. When we engage with humanity, we’re essentially agreeing to face its challenges, imperfections, and contradictions.

If we let ourselves get angry or frustrated every time people act like, well, people—flawed, unpredictable, and sometimes selfish—that’s kind of on us. We know this is part of the deal, yet we still let it ruin our day.

Here’s a grounding thought: none of us chose to be born. None of us picked our bodies, our minds, or the circumstances of our upbringing. Some people are fighting invisible battles, facing hardships we can’t begin to understand. Life isn’t an equal playing field, and for many, just getting through the day is an act of courage.

When you recognize this—that everyone is carrying something heavy—you gain perspective. You already have the upper hand in navigating relationships and interactions. Use that awareness to extend grace to those around you, especially those who seem the hardest to love.

As Ashley Brilliant so wisely said: “Be kind to unkind people. They need it the most.” Kindness isn’t just for them—it’s for you too. It lightens your load and reminds you that life is easier to carry when shared with compassion.