Humanity’s Next Age of Enlightenment
Brace yourself—
What I'm about to say could forever change what you think it means to be human…
The more I learn the more I come to understand that I really know nothing at all. In the grand scheme of human history, we are still so young as a species. For all that we’ve come to know, and all that we've achieved; we still know so little. Despite all our advances, we remain tightly bound to our ancestral imperfections; those deep-rooted instincts and behaviors that once ensured our survival but now manifest in harmful ways. Traits like hate, greed, fear, selfishness, and cruelty can all be traced back to this primordial inheritance. They served a purpose when survival was all but guaranteed and life was a constant struggle, but today these instincts divide us, cloud our vision, and prevent us from exercising our capacity to love and care for one another. Suffering; both mentally, and physically, is still so pervasive in all corners of the Earth and the persistence of this suffering is not a result of fate or necessity, but rather a byproduct of our imperfect, evolutionary past.
I don't believe that it has to be this way…
We are still so tightly bound to our primordial instincts that've been shaped within the chaotic, yet ever evolving origins of life here on our planet. As a collective, we still let the survival mechanisms of fear and anxiety dictate our individual behaviors, which then permeates throughout our communities, cultures, and entire societies. Our insecurities, rooted in our instinctual need for survival drive much of our behavior. And, the resulting cycles of distrust, conflict, and segregation have become embedded in our everyday lives. Ever concerned about “having more”. Ever fixated on hoarding resources for fear of not having enough. Fear of the unknown, fear of scarcity, fear of loss; all these anxieties still dominate our minds and hearts, influencing not only personal decisions but entire societal structures.
Our bodies and emotions haven’t been able to keep up with the cognitive revolution that’s set humans apart from other species. We let the desire to satiate our individual instincts take precedence over collective progress. We act as though we are still in a world where survival is a daily battle, and in doing so, we forget the fragility of our shared existence and the interconnectedness that binds us all. Despite having the capacity to provide for everyone, we continue to operate from a place of scarcity, driven by the fear of losing what we have, even when we have more than enough. It’s a paradox. We have found ways to organize and build magnificent communities and cities, with wealth and energy in such abundance that none of us should have to worry about going without ever again. Yet, we allow homelessness and starvation to persist in the very streets we walk, while a fraction of society accumulates wealth beyond comprehension. These are not failures of resources but failures of mindset; a mindset still governed by fear, insecurity, and instinctual self-preservation.
I believe that most of the suffering that occurs in our world today is a result of our species’ youth on the cosmic scale, relative to the beginning of the universe and its unforeseeable end. I believe that we are still learning how to be. How to exist. We are still learning how to break free from the instinctual programming that was once crucial to our survival but is no longer necessary in our modern context. We are still learning what it means to be fully human, to exist not just as individuals competing for basic needs, but as a collective species, capable of cooperation, empathy, and higher consciousness. We’re still clinging to outdated fears and desires; survival strategies that are no longer aligned with the world we now live in. But that way of existing has long come and gone, and we’re on the verge of a new era of existence.
We are on the cusp of a profound shift in consciousness, one that will allow us to transcend these ancient fears and drives. And, one day, we will elevate our consciousness beyond our base instincts; beyond the hardcoded fears and anxieties that have dominated our existence for millennia. I want to help all of humanity understand that it's only through doing what's in the best interest of all human life, that we will transcend the instinctual bonds that enslave us each day. That we can work together responsibly to foster and promote life on this planet in a humane way devoid of cruelty and unnecessary suffering.
I believe that humanity’s next age of enlightenment is at the tip of our fingers, just within reach, and I want to be a steward of this shift in our collective consciousness. When we transcend our primitive hardwiring that's fixated on genetic evolution, when we adjust our focus toward evolution of the mind, then we will achieve feats beyond anyone's wildest imagination.
But like all children; we first must learn to walk before we can run. Our strides have been quickening, and our pace has picked up. We’re ready to run. And beyond that, one day we will even fly. We are in the midst of shedding ourselves of our ancestral imperfections, whose main priority was solely to survive. Now, we’re moving into a new age where we all can thrive.
I am filled with excitement for the future, for what it holds, and for the endless possibilities that await us as we continue to evolve. There have been plenty of setbacks along the way and there will surely be more to come; but such is the nature of imperfect beings. Our imperfections are an inextricable part of our history, but they do not define our future. I truly feel that we are headed in the right direction, and I am abundantly grateful and honored to have this awareness and to share it with my fellow human beings.
I believe that we can evolve beyond the need for scarcity, fear, and division. There is more than enough for everyone, and by working together, we can foster a world where no one has to suffer needlessly. The time has come to transcend the limitations of our past and embrace a future where compassion, collaboration, and collective self-actualization are the driving forces of human progress. Together, we can manifest a future where suffering is no longer the default condition of life, but a distant memory.
Please join me on this journey.
Let’s thrive.
—Landon Cole