Election Anxiety: Understanding and Managing the Stress of the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election

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With the 2024 election around the corner, it’s no surprise that Americans across the political spectrum are feeling anxious. Recent research from the American Psychological Association found that over 7 in 10 adults view the nation’s future as a major stressor, with 69% of Americans pointing directly to the 2024 election as a significant source of anxiety.

Why is the election causing so much stress? To better understand, let’s try to explore the perspectives of both liberals and conservatives, as well as what this anxiety means for all of us, regardless of political leanings.

Why the Election Feels So Stressful for Many

This election feels particularly impactful because people sense a heightened division across the country. The stakes feel incredibly high, with real concerns over how the outcome could change our everyday lives and values. Here’s a look at just a couple (there are many more) key issues driving election-related anxiety on both sides of the political spectrum:

Liberal Concerns

  • Abortion Rights
    A major issue for liberals is the protection of abortion rights, which many believe should not be regulated by the government. The fear is that political shifts could lead to increased restrictions, limiting personal freedoms.

  • Concerns Over Corruption and Power Abuse
    Many Democrats are concerned about figures like Donald Trump, whom they view as uniquely corrupt among recent Republican leaders. Compared to past candidates, including figures like Nixon, Trump stands out for his numerous legal and ethical issues. There’s a big concern that Trump will abuse his power for personal gain and to avoid being held responsible for his abuses and crimes from his prior presidency.

    Concerns about Trump’s involvement in the January 6th insurrection and his refusal to concede defeat in the last election have heightened fears that Republicans may resist conceding again if Democrats win fairly this year. Many republicans have declared that they will outright refuse to accept the results of the election if Kamala Harries wins. This perceived instability and refusal to adhere to the rules of our democracy adds to a broader sense of uncertainty for many on the left.

Conservative Concerns

  • Cultural Shifts Toward Liberal Ideals
    Conservatives often express concern over cultural shifts, particularly around issues like LGBTQ and transgender acceptance, which they feel reflect a broader movement toward liberal values that challenges their traditional perspectives. Feeling like their views and preferences are being stifled and like they don’t go without social or professional repercussions adds to a sense of loss of ground, influence, control or dominance that has traditionally been enjoyed by “status quo” citizens, namely; white, heterosexual, Christian men and women.

  • Fear of Replacement and Cancelation
    Many Republicans, particularly white Republicans, have voiced fears of being “replaced” by minorities that come from policies prioritizing diversity and equality for underrepresented groups. Alongside this is a fear of cancel culture where many conservatives feel as though their culture is quite literally being cancelled. These concerns over losing control or having preferential treatment and privilege that comes via the identification with their political party, as well as fears of being “taken over” by larger numbers of minorities, has influenced many conservatives of America to care less about democratic processes and focus more about maintaining control over power, resources and privilege.

The Common Thread: Control

While these concerns reflect vastly different priorities, they share a common theme: a fear of losing control over deeply held beliefs, values, and ways of life. Many feel that this election is pivotal—that it will either protect or drastically reshape the cultural and personal liberties each side holds dear.

This creates an intense environment where both sides feel like they’re fighting to maintain or protect something essential, leading to heightened stress and tension across the nation.

Coping with Election Anxiety: Focusing on What We Can Control

Election-related anxiety is, in many ways, a reaction to the feeling of losing control. But when facing events beyond our influence, like the outcome of an election, it’s important to refocus on what we can control: our actions, our mindset, and how we choose to respond.

Here are some strategies to keep in mind:

  1. Let Go of Absolute Control
    We can’t single-handedly control the outcome of an election, but we can control how we respond to it. By letting go of the need for absolute control, we can find a healthier approach to facing uncertain times.

  2. Strive to Be the Best Version of Ourselves
    Instead of getting caught up in every political twist and turn, focus on showing up as the best version of yourself. Count on others to do the same, knowing that while some may not always align with what we consider reasonable or just, others will exceed our expectations.

  3. The Serenity to Accept What We Cannot Change
    Like the Serenity Prayer reminds us, it’s essential to have the courage to change what we can, the serenity to accept what we can’t, and the wisdom to know the difference. This mindset allows us to stay grounded and empowered—no matter the election’s outcome.

Finding Peace Amidst Political Tension

Election seasons can bring a lot of tension, but by focusing on what’s within our control and striving to be our best selves, we can find ways to stay grounded and maintain our mental well-being. After all, we can still make positive impacts on the world around us, regardless of who holds political office.

Let’s remember that while elections may shape policies, our values and actions shape the world.

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